Thursday, August 30, 2012

Building A House With Sticks

We're playing with craft sticks. She enjoys making patterns, so I tried to tie the two together and enlist her help to build a house.
Me: You put two sticks across, then two sticks up and down.
Two across; two up and down.
Two across; two up and down.
What comes next?
C: The big, bad wolf!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Weather Or Not It’s A Problem

 H took C outside.  For some reason, C began to scream that they had to go inside.

H:  What's wrong?

C:  I don't want it to snow!

H:  It won't snow!  It's not cold enough.

C:  But I don't want it to be cold!

H:  It's not cold!  Don't worry!

C:  But...but...I don't want to be happy!

At least we finally got to the real problem today (after nine or ten "not agains," which she has begun to call "mom-outs").

A Little Snack

 We're straightening up.

C:  Oh!  Here is a receipt!

Me:  Where is it from?

C:  It from WalMart.

Me:  Bring it here, please.

C:  Oh, okay!  Except this part that's broken off.  I ate that.

It Gets Old

 Me:  C, go sit in your timeout chair.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Less Loveable

 C, at bedtime:  "Momma, I love you!  <3  But I don't love you when you're mean."



She was surprised when I told her that I love her when she’s good and when she’s bad.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Up, Up and Away!

"Momma, is there any way for me to borrow a helicopter?"
Looks like it's three if by air, folks!

What A Melon!

We went to a pool party yesterday. In preparation, I sliced a watermelon, placed the slices on a serving dish, and wrapped it in plastic. Naturally, I left it on the counter, so had to buy a new watermelon on the way to the party.
Last night, DH and DS went to Bible Study. Unfortunately, I didn't think to have them take the watermelon. Egads - it's a WHOLE melon, folks. I don't care for watermelon, so I could eat maybe a slice or two. We ate a few slices last night, but I wondered what to do with the rest of it.
Why on earth did I wonder? Jimmy took the dish outside, and he and C ate it. All. And C wants more.

Once Upon A Time

Uh oh. A fractured fairy tale for sure, and I think I'm about to get the sad end of the story. She says, "Momma, I'll be the good wolf, and you be the bad pig. Okay?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

First Aid

 She has an itty bitty cut on her foot.  When I put her sandals on for church this morning, the shoe pressed on the cut, so I covered it with a bandaid.  Naturally, the bandaid fell off during church.

There was a coffee-and-cake gathering after church.  She and her BFF raced around the building for a solid hour (at least).  Then we came home and she played in the sandbox, barefoot, for 45 minutes.

We came inside just now.  She sat down to play and noticed her cut.  Incredibly, it HURTS and NEEDS a new bandaid.  I gave in.

Anyone want to guess what she's doing right now?

Pick, pick, picking at that uncomfortable bandaid!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ruling Is A Tough Job

 MOVING UP IN THE WORLD!!  C just whispered in my ear.  "Mommy?  I'm going to make you a QUEEN today!"


...Uh oh.  Now she says she's going to be a giant.  My first royal pain.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Peace At Any Price?

 We had a baby visitor this morning - 6 weeks old, cute as can be.  C was a PERFECT ANGEL the whole time the baby was with us.  She was obedient and quiet, and didn't act out, climb on anything, or destroy anything at all.

The moment the baby left, however, she's been C Squared.

I asked her why she was so well behaved, and she said it was "because of the baby."

Some things are just not worth having a peaceful C.

Monday, August 13, 2012


The kind of day I'm having:
Me: Don't do that!
C: I won't! (Does it again.)
Me: I told you not to do that! Did you hear me?
C: Yes.
Me: Then why did you do it?
C: I didn't WANT to hear-ed you!
Some time later...
Me: Don't hit!
C: Okay. (Hits again.)
Me: What did I say?
C: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!

Friday, August 10, 2012

A Story of Bedtime

Every summer we watch the movie Bedtime Stories. This year we had trouble locating a copy, so I finally drove out to Walmart and bought it. We've been waiting for months to see it, but I kept interrupting the video to take care of various things.

As it grew later, C fell asleep in my lap. I asked H to pause the video yet again, then picked up C. Turning to H, I asked if I was bothering her.

A very sleepy little voice on my shoulder answered.  "Nnnnnnnoooooo. Well, a little, but not much."

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Same Song, Second Verse

LOL!!! My DD15 just opened a Facebook account two days ago. Look at the status she just posted and try to tell me she's NOT like me:
C: (spilling Cheerios all over the table) WAAAA! WAAAAAA!
Me: what's wrong?
Me: oh it's okay
Me: oops! ( spilling Cheerios all over the table)
C: HA HA! You spilled cheerios all over the floor MMMAAAAMMMMAAA!!!! H IS THROWING CHEERIOS!!!!
I love having a little sister 🙂

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Eight Slices

 C:  Momma!  What are you making?

Me:  Pizza.

C:  Pizza?  For me?

Me:  Yes, you may have some.

C:  But, Momma, is pizza good for our bodies?

Me:  Yes, it's pretty good for us.  Not the best, but not bad.

C:  Oh.  And is it good for octopuses' bodies?

Me: ???