Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Temper Unplugged

She's throwing a fit because I won't let her plug the USB cable into the USB port on my laptop.

Technology is making my life miserable!

Monday, March 21, 2011


I have the Hallelujah Chorus as my ringtone, but since no one ever calls me, C has only heard it like three times. Yesterday H was showing her extreme unfamiliarity with this masterpiece, so I played it on my computer. I totally forgot it was my tone. C heard it and immediately started calling, "Phone! Phone!" then tried to bring me my purse so I could answer it. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Chore Time!

The good:  Her favorite song is "Keem up!  Keem up!"

The not-so-good:  The only thing she "keems up" is the bucket of five toys she dumps on the floor.  Dump.  "Keem up, keem up," fill bucket.  Repeat.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

That’s What It’s All About

The person who wrote the Hokey Pokey was most definitely trying to put footie pajamas on a toddler.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

In Need Of A Change

C (kicking and yelling): I ANGRY!
Me: Why are you angry?
(Maybe you had to be there, but I thought it was hilarious!)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Toddler Etiquette

Is it rude to laugh at a toddler throwing a tantrum because she's so adorable?


She HATES being laughed at when she's angry!  We're in for quite a ride with this one, I'm afraid!