Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Wild Either Way

C, eating an apple: Sometimes I wish I was a jungle animal. Then I could have no manners! I could do whatever I wanted! Except there would be dangers. Lions, and snakes, and stuff.
We are still undecided as to whether manners or snakes are the bigger issue.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Two Sides To Every Bed

C seems to have discovered the RIGHT side of the bed. After 6 1/2 years of always getting up on the wrong side, I didn't even know there was a right side!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Selective Self-Control

I was telling a friend about the vast difference between C's quiet, sweet demeanor at school and her loud, unruly behavior at home.  My friend was only a little surprised, because the conversation began as Charis was running wildly around the study room where she is normally shy.

As we walked away, Charis turned to me and confided, "Momma?  When I'm at school, I think all of the same thoughts that I think while I'm at home.  But I don't do any of them!"

This is both hopeful news, because she clearly has self control, and disappointing news, because she doesn't exert any at home!

A ... Celebration

C is eating rice cakes (downing her third one now) and requesting to watch Khan Academy geometric rotations videos.

I just don't even know what to say.  Maybe it's Enjoy The Dry Things Day?

Friday, March 4, 2016

It’s Who You Know

J and I are playing a history game called Chronology.  One of us reads a fact, and the other needs to place it in correct order in the set of cards he already has.

Me:  Ho Chi Minh becomes the first president of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

J:  I thought Ho Chi Minh was a communist.

C:  Oh!  How do YOU know him?