Friday, July 28, 2017

Plan B

C is having a birthday in a few days. We have a longstanding tradition of letting the birthday kid pick whatever cereal they want. C particularly likes Double Chocolate Krave. As we walked into the store, we had this conversation:
C: What if they don't have any Krave? Oh, I know! I'll get Froot Loops!
Me: It's always good to have a back-up plan!
C: What if there aren't any Froot Loops?
Me: Then you can get Cocoa Puffs.
C: And what if there are no Cocoa Puffs? Maybe Cocoa Pebbles?
Me: Sounds good to me!
C: And what if they got rid of all the fun cereals and there is absolutely nothing left?
Me: Then we'll sit down in the middle of the cereal aisle and cry until they bring us some.
C: It's always good to have a back-up plan!

Monday, July 10, 2017


As we were driving in the car, C picked up a piece of paper that she'd made a list on.

"Wow!  One day a few years from now, I'm going to look at this piece of paper and think how much my writing has improved!"

What an optimistic way to talk about messy handwriting!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Tangled Belle

I asked C several times to brush her hair, but she didn't.  We were just running some non-public errands, though, so I let her get in the car as she was.  As we drove, she began her usual conversation.

C:  Are we going anywhere after we drop H off?
Me:  Just to church to pick up a few things.  Then we'll go straight home.
C:  That's it?  Nowhere else?
Me:  Nope.  You want adventure in the great, wide somewhere?
C, sighing:  Always.  (Singing) I want much more than this provincial life!
<Pause for thought>
C:  It's because my hair is a crazy mess, isn't it?