Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Spelling Lessons

LOL!  J does his spelling orally, and C insists that I give her some spelling words, too.  This is how it goes:
C:  I spell!  I want spell!
Me:  Okay!  Spell cat.
C:  Cat.  C-H-A-R-I-S!!  'Nother one!
Me:  Okay.  Spell dog.
C:  Dog.  C-H-A-R-I-S!  'Nother one!
Me:  Spell Charis.
C:  C-H-A-R-I-S!  Charis Joy!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bold New Taste

She's pretending to pour milk from a bottle into a cup and give me a sip. She offered chocolate milk a few times, but she doesn't like chocolate milk, so she came up with something she think sounds much better.

Chicken milk.

Good thing this is just pretend!

Monday, June 20, 2011


While I'm proud of her for being the first of my children to teach herself to do a somersault, I question the benefits of learning such a skill at 10:30 at night on her bed.

Getting It Right

She stood on the toddler chair, stepped up onto the table, climbed over the arm of the couch, and settled down next to the fat Webster's.  As I watched, she removed the lid of a pen and began to leaf through the pages.

I like to imagine she was editing.  :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Eating Her Greens

Bad homeschool mom moment:  Looking away from the computer to see the notorious toddler with a bright green face and mouth from chewing on one of those fancy colored pencils that turn to watercolor paint when you add water.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


As we drove in the car, C became angry and threw her stuffed dog.  It flew over the seat and hit DH in the head.  Over the next few minutes, she made her defense.
C:  I drop my doggie!
Me:  No, you were angry and threw it.
C:  I roll my doggie!
Me:  No!  You were angry and threw it.
C:  I throw my doggie to Daddy!
Me:  No again!  you were angry.
C:  I ANGRY!  (Picks up book and throws it.)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Putting Things Together

C was walking around with H's calculator today. But she couldn't quite say calculator. Instead she called it a...

are you sitting down?...

Swallowed your drink?...


Wednesday, June 8, 2011


She insisted "I want the candles on," and despite the fact that she was holding them right up in my face, it still took me three whole minutes to figure out that she meant sandals!

Monday, June 6, 2011


The new word:  Pleezokay.  As in "more grapes, pleezokay!"

Sometimes, if it's frantic, it becomes pleezokayokayokay, as in "more chocolate, pleezokayokayokay!!!"

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Right Stuff

C's first encounter with a chewy granola bar: She took a nibble, set it on her tray, and used her fingers to pry out every last sliver of chocolate chip. Then, with the actual granola pieces sticking everywhere, she asks for more chocolate.

That one I can say she got from me!