Friday, February 27, 2015

Possession is Nine Tenths

Sometimes C helps me fold the towels, and lately I've had in mind to make it her routine chore. Naturally she shies away from assigned responsibility.
Me: Would you please fold the towels?
C: No. Sorry.
Me: There aren't many and you do such a good job.
C: Nope.
Me: You know, when J was your age, it was his job to take care of the shoe closet.
C: But I do that now.
Me: That's right. And it was also HIS job to fold all the towels.
C (running to the laundry basket): MY job! Mine, mine all mine! My job, my job, my job!
And she did it well and cheerfully, too.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Health Care

Random bedtime discussion:
C: I hate shots! I wish I never needed one again!
Me: Me, too. I don't know anyone who likes shots.
C: Yeah. Everyone hates them. But we have to get them to keep us healthy. Except God. He's well prepared.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Voices In Your Head

C is reading silently when J turns on some music in the next room.

C: J!!  Turn the music down!  I can't hear my book!

(I know how she feels, although generally SHE'S the one who is so loud I can't hear myself think.)

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Love By Default

C (hugging me):  I love you so much, Momma!
Me:  I love you, too!
C:  Do you know why I love you so very much?
Me:  I have an idea.
C:  It's because there's absolutely no one else home at all right now.  <3

Yeah, that's what I thought. :)

Friday, February 13, 2015

Left Out

The other night, C and I were chatting about a game that DH and I used to play with the big kids when they were little.
C:  Oh!  That sounds like fun!
Me:  It was!
C:  Ha ha! ...Wait!  You did this before I was born?
Me:  Yeah.
C:  You had fun without ME??
Me:  Well, yes.
C (angry):  You should have waited!
Me:  But we didn't know you'd be coming!
C (storming off):  I can't believe you had fun without me.  Before I was born!  That's so RUDE!!!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Cooking 101

A food prep tip from C:

When you're peeling fruit for other people, you need to wash your hands if you scratch your butt.

Monday, February 2, 2015

No Help Wanted

Our dollhouse now has a sign taped on it that says, "no acn figyeor," which being translated means "no action figures."

I wonder how equal housing opportunity laws will impact her landlord practices.


I don't know what she's being so picky about.  When she plays dollhouse, it generally involves explosions, screaming, and people being blown into the next room.  You'd think a superhero or a few representatives of the armed forces would be welcome.